Challenges Solved
- Using App Router
- Setting up the directory structure that you will probably make when actually creating a service
- Providing examples based on several code patterns
- Server Components + Form + Server Actions
- Client Components +
+ react-hook-form + Server Actions - Client Components +
+ Form + Server Actions - Parallel Route + intercepting route
- Adding tests including middleware, server actions, etc
- Supporting Instrumentations
- Supporting
- Supporting Stripe using Server Actions and Route Handlers
This repository will use dynamicIO so the code will be changed when the canary version will be stable from now on
- Introducing Google Oauth provider
- Connecting to Prisma
- Setting up Next.js api routes
- Using JWT strategy to authenticate users on middleware
- Supporting updating all JWTs for the same user, allowing access from multiple devices
- Separating the edge-compatible configuration from the rest, as some adapters may not support Edge
- Adding schema required by @auth/prisma-adapter
- Generating Database ER diagram by prisma-erd-generator automatically
- Resolving Next.js’s HMR issue when development
Unit Test
- Supporting parallel execution using a real isolated database in a sandbox
- Using testing-library with vitest
E2E Test Optional
- Supporting Multiple dummy accounts using
to skip logging in multiple times - Mocking and working around next-auth's JWT strategy
- Writing code using Page Object Models suggested by Playwright
Accessibility Test Optional
- Checking all pages's accessibility via Playwright
Observability Optional
- Setting up OpenTelemetry on Next.js
- Building Opentelemetry Collector and Jaeger
Payment Optional
- Building payment codebase and database schema using Stripe
- Supporting webhook to change status by Stripe for example expired subscription
- Setting up pre-commit as git hook
- Checking code of TypeScript, JavaScript, Markdown, JSON, YAML, and Prisma by biome, prettier, prisma at pre-commit phase.
Linter and Formatter
- Setting up editorconfig, biome, and prettier
- Removing unused variables, functions, etc by Knip
- Adding Lint, Build, unit-test, and e2e-test jobs
- Supporting renovate configuration like grouping deps
- Fixing version of packages using pnpm
- Supporting recommended extensions for team members
- Setting up some workspace configurations mainly linter, formatter, and cSpell
- Supporting instructions for GitHub Copilot Edits
If you find yourself writing similar code often or think this repository can be optimized more than now, please submit an issue !